Our mission is to work together as the family of God to reach the lost, minister to the hurting, and nurture the believers by reflecting the life and teachings of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to work together as the family of God to reach the lost, minister to the hurting, and nurture the believers by reflecting the life and teachings of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Hello and thank you for viewing our website. My name is Michael Eddy and I serve as the pastor of Ivy Heights Church of God. I was called to the pulpit 2 years ago but my history with Ivy spans two decades. I began attending this church in high school when I became a part of the youth group here at Ivy. I was drawn here by a young girl named Jessi. After high school, I left for college but I would return most weekends for service and to see my then-girlfriend and her family. After college, I married the young lady who brought me here and we moved to Louisville, Kentucky where I (having been called to ministry) began seminary. After 2 years I earned a master’s degree in Christian Education and Jessi and I came home to start a family. We visited several churches in the area but we were both drawn back to this place; the church of our youth.
Over the next several years I would serve Ivy in many ways. Whether it was setting up for meal services, working downstairs with the children, leading as the co-youth pastor, or filling in the Sunday pulpit when our pastor was out of town; God always had a use for me here. When our previous pastor was called elsewhere, It was as if Christ whispered through the silence… “why not you.”
So two years later we are still here serving God and following him where he leads. My wife and I have added to the children’s ministry through the years being blessed with three children of our own and we still call this old church our home and these people in it our family.
I often describe Ivy as a church you can’t hide in. It is a place where you are loved and needed. Where God’s work is never done and where people come with a willing and grateful heart to say “here I am God, send me.”
We love it here and I think you will too.
Church Board
Emily Bennett, Jessica Collman, Dave Crockett, Doreen Ragain, and Karen Weber