We are each called to ministry; to teach, mentor, support, help, reach out and lift up. We are all gifted in one or more of these areas, and we believe it is our calling to serve how and where those gifts are needed. However, we should be mindful to not only give of our time and talent, but we should also give of our treasure. Each blessing that is bestowed on us is a gift from God. This includes ourselves, our belongings, and our finances. We believe all these gifts first belong to God. They are His, called for His purposes, and stewarded to us. We are called to be good stewards of everything God has given us. Part of that stewardship is to support the church.

Now, this isn’t a contest; we’re not to compete with one another. But, rather, we should give as we are compelled by the Spirit, and of the gifts that we are given. If you are able and called to give, do so prayerfully, cheerfully, and freely as you are led.

If you are interested in giving online through our secure portal, please click on the Give Online button below.

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